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Prof. Anthony B. Watts

Professor of Marine Geology and Geophysics

A.B. WATTS Publications (1971 - 1999)



[1] Bott, M.H.P. and A.B. Watts, Deep sedimentary basins proved in the Hebridean Shetland continental shelf and margin, Nature, London, 225-265, 1970 London Times Science Report - "Hope for Shetland Oilfield"

[2] Bott, M.H.P. and A.B. Watts, Deep structure of the continental margin adjacent to the British Isles, SCOR Symposium, Cambridge, Report No. 70/14, 91-109, 1970


[3] Bott, M.H.P. and A.B. Watts, The Great Glen Fault in the Shetland area, Nature, London, 227-268, 1971

[4] Watts, A.B., Geophysical investigations on the continental shelf and slope north of Scotland, Scot. J. of Geology, 7, 189-218,1971


[5] Bott, M.H.P., J.G. Holland, P.J. Storry and A.B. Watts, Geophysical evidence concerning the structure of the Lewisian of Sutherland, N.W. Scotland, Journal of the Geol. Soc., 128, 599-612,1972

[6] Haworth, R.T., A.B. Watts and A.K. Goodacre, Gravity measurements in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Geol. Surv. Can., Paper 71-23, 337- 338,1972

[7] Watts, A.B., Geophysical investigations east of the Magdalen Islands, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Can. J. Earth Science, 9, 1504-1528,1972


[8] Watts, A.B. and R.T. Haworth, Geological interpretation of Bouguer anomaly and magnetic anomaly maps east of the Magdalen Islands, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Marine Sciences Paper No. 10, 1- 9,1974

[9] Watts, A.B. and M. Talwani, Gravity anomalies seaward of deep-sea trenches and their tectonic implications, Geophys. J. Roy. Astro. Soc., 36, 57-92,1974

[10] Watts, A.B., A gravity survey of the continental shelf south of Cape Sable, Nova Scotia, Can. J. Earth Science, 11, 1329-1334,1974

[11] Watts, A.B., and J.R. Cochran, Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere along the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain, Geophys. J. Roy. Astro. Soc., 38, 119-141,1974

[12] Watts, A.B., and J.R. Cochran, Gravity anomalies in the Galapagos Islands Area, Science, 84, 808-809,1974


[13] Watts, A.B., and M. Talwani, Gravity effect of downgoing lithospheric slabs beneath island arcs, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 86, 1- 4,1975

[14] Watts, A.B., J.R. Cochran, G. Selzer, Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere: A three-dimensional study of the Great Meteor Seamount, N.E. Atlantic, Jour. Geophys. Res., 80, 1391-1398,1975

[15] Watts, A.B. and J.K. Weissel, Tectonic history of the Shikoku Marginal Basin, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 25, 239-250,1975     

[16] Watts, A.B., and J.K. Weissel, Rifting and seafloor spreading in marginal basins: Shikoku Basin, Bull. Aust. Soc. Explor. Geophys., 6, 2/3, 46-47,1975

[17] Watts, A.B., Marine Gravity, Report to the IUGG on U.S. progress in marine gravity, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, 13/3, 532-546,1975

[18] Weissel, J.K. and A.B. Watts, Tectonic complexities in the South Fiji marginal basin, Earth and Planet Sci. Lett., 28/2, 121-126, 1975

[19] Watts, A.B. and M. Talwani, Gravity field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean basin and its margin: I. Hawaii and Vicinity, Geol. Soc. Amer., Spec. Map and Chart Series MC-9, 1975

[20] Watts, A.B., B.C. Schreiber and D. Habib, Dredged rocks from Hatton Bank, Rockall Plateau, Jl. Geol. Soc. Lond., 131, 639-646, 1975

[21] Watts, A.B., Gravity field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean basin and its margin: Aleutian Island Arc-Trench System, Geol. Soc. Amer., Spec. Map and Chart Series MC-10, 1975

[22] Watts, A.B., Gravity and bathymetry in the Central Pacific Ocean, Jour. Geophys. Res., 81, 1533-1553, 1975

[23] Watts, A.B., M. Talwani, and J.R. Cochran, Gravity field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean basin and its margin, in: Geophysics of the Pacific Ocean basin and its margin, AGU Monograph 19, 17-34, 1975

[24] Watts, A.B., Gravity field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean basin and its margin: Philippine Sea, Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Map and Chart Series, MC-12, 1975


[25] Watts, A.B. and W.B.F. Ryan, Flexure of the lithosphere and continental margin basins, Tectonophysics, 36, 25-44, 1976


[26] Watts, A.B., J.K. Weissel and R. L. Larson, Sea-floor spreading in marginal basins of the western Pacific, Tectonophysics, 37, 167- 181, 1977

[27] Watts, A.B., J.K. Weissel and F.J. Davey, Tectonic evolution of the South Fiji marginal basin, in: Island Arcs, Deep Sea Trenches and Back-Arc Basins, Maurice Ewing Series, V. 1, American Geophys. Union, 419-427, 1977

[28] Watts, A.B., and A.R. Leeds, Gravimetric Geoid in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 50, 249-277, 1977


[29] Watts, A.B., Comment on "On global gravity anomalies and two- scale mantle convection" by Bruce D. Marsh and James G. Marsh, Jour. Geophys. Res., 83, 3551-3554, 1978

[30] Steckler, M.S. and A.B. Watts, Subsidence of the Atlantic-type continental margin off New York, Earth and Planet. Sci, Lett., 41, 1-13, 1978

[31] Watts, A.B., An analysis of isostasy in the world's oceans: 1. Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain, Jour. Geophys. Res., 83, 5989-6004, 1978

[32] Watts, A.B., J.H. Bodine and C.O. Bowin, A Geophysical Atlas East and Southeast Asian Seas: Free-air gravity field, Geol. Society America Map and Chart Series MC-25, 1978


[33] Watts, A.B., M.G. Kogan, J.H. Bodine, Gravity field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean Basin and its margin: Kuril Island arc-trench system, Geol. Society of America Map and Chart Series, MC-27, 1979

[34] Watts, A.B., Present status of Marine Gravity, Proc. of the 9th GEOP. Conf., An International Symp. on the application of geodesy to geodynamics, Oct. 205, 1978, Dept. of Geodetic Science Rept. No. 280, Ohio State Univ., 251-255, 1979

[35] Bodine, J.H. and A.B. Watts, On lithospheric flexure seaward of the Bonin and Mariana Trenches, Earth and Planetary Science Lett., 43, 132-148, 1979

[36] Detrick, R.S. and A.B. Watts, An analysis of isostasy in the world's oceans, 3. Aseismic Ridges, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 3637-3653, 1979

[37] Watts, A.B., On geoid heights derived from Geos 3 altimeter data along the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 3817-3826, 1979

[38] Weissel, J.K. and A.B. Watts, Tectonic evolution of the Coral Sea Basin, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 4572-4582, 1979

[39] Watts, A.B. and M.S. Steckler, Subsidence and Eustasy at the continental margin of eastern North America, in: Deep Drilling Results in the Atlantic Ocean: Continental Margins and Paleoenvironment, Maurice Ewing Series, V. 3, American Geophysical Union, p. 218-234, 1979


[40] Watts, A.B., J.H. Bodine and N.M. Ribe, Observations of flexure and the geological evolution of the Pacific Ocean basin, Nature, London, 283, 532-537, 1980

[41] Watts, A.B., J.H. Bodine and M.S. Steckler, Observations of flexure and the state of stress in the oceanic lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 6369-6376, 1980

[42] Steckler, M.S. and A.B. Watts, The Gulf of Lion: Subsidence of a young continental margin, Nature, London, 287, 425-429, 1980

[43] Watts, A.B., Plate tectonics: where is it going? New Scientist, 6 Nov. 1980, 360-363, 1980

[44] McKenzie, D.P., A.B. Watts, B. Parsons, and M. Roufosse, The planform of mantle convection beneath the Pacific Ocean, Nature, 288, 442-446, 1980


[45] Watts, A.B. and S.F. Daly, Long wavelength gravity and topography anomalies, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 9, 415-448, 1981

[46] Bodine, J.H., M.S. Steckler and A.B. Watts, Observations of flexure and the rheology of the oceanic lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 3695-3707, 1981

[47] Watts, A.B. and M.S. Steckler, Subsidence and tectonics of Atlantic type continental margins, Oceanologica Acta, Colloque C3, Geology of Continental Margins, v. 4, 143-154, 1981

[48] Steckler, M.S. and A.B. Watts, Subsidence history and tectonic evolution of Atlantic-type continental margins, in: R.A. Scrutton (ed.) Dynamics of Passive Margins, Geodynamics Series, Vol. 6, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 184-19, 1981

[49] Watts, A.B., Gravity field of the southwest Pacific Ocean, Geol. Soc. America, Map and Chart Series MC-42, 1981

[50] Watts, A.B., The U.S. Atlantic continental margin: Subsidence history, crustal structure and thermal evolution, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Education Course #19, 75 pp, 1981


[51] Watts, A.B., Gravity anomalies over oceanic rifts, Geodynamics Series, Vol. 8, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 99-106, 1982

[52] Karner, G.D. and A.B. Watts, On isostasy at Atlantic-type continental margins, J. Geophys. Res. 87, 2923-2948, 1982

[53] Watts, A.B., Seamounts and flexure of the lithosphere, Nature, 297, 182-183, 1982

[54] Watts, A.B., G.D. Karner and M.S. Steckler, Lithospheric flexure and the evolution of sedimentary basins, in: The Evolution of Sedimentary Basins, (ed.) P. Kent, M.H.P. Bott, D.P. McKenzie and C.A. Williams, Phil. Trans, Roy. Soc. Lond., 305A, 249-281, 1982

[55] Watts, A.B., Tectonic subsidence, flexure and global changes of sea-level, Nature, 297, 469-474, 1982

[56] Weissel, J.K., A.B. Watts, and A. Lapouille, Magnetic anomaly evidence for Late Paleocene to Late Eocene seafloor in the southern New Hebrides Basin, Tectonophysics, 87, 243-251, 1982

[57] Ribe, N.M. and A.B. Watts, The distribution of intraplate volcanism in the Pacific Ocean: A spectral approach, Geophys. J. Roy Astr. Soc. 71, 333-362, 1982

[58] Watts, A.B., The strength of the Earth's crust, J. Marine Technology 17, 12-17, 1982


[59] Karner, G.D. and A.B. Watts, Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere at mountain ranges, J. Geophys. Res. 88, 10,449-10,477, 1983

[60] Davey, F.J. and A.B. Watts, Gravity field of the Southwest Pacific Ocean Basin: New Zealand, Geological Society of America Special Map and Chart Series, 1983


[61] Watts, A.B. and N.M. Ribe, On geoid heights and flexure of the lithosphere at seamounts, J. Geophys. Res., 89, No. B13, 11,152-11,170, 1984

[62] Watts, A.B., K. Horai, N.M. Ribe, On determination of the deflection of the vertical by satellite altimetry, Marine Geodesy, 8, No. 1-4, 85-127, 1984

[63] Watts, A.B. and J.A. Thorne, Tectonics, global changes in sea-level and their relationship to stratigraphic sequences at the U.S. Atlantic continental margin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 1, No. 4, 319-339, 1984

[64] Thorne, J.A. and A.B. Watts, Seismic reflectors and unconformities at passive continental margins, Nature, 311, No. 5984, 365-368, 1984


[65] Watts, A.B., Gravity, geoid and the oceanic lithosphere, in: Internal Geophysics and Space, Cepadues-Editions, Toulouse, 237-339, 1985

[66] Watts, A.B., J.R. Cochran, P. Patriat, M. Doucoure, A bathymetry and altimetry profile of the Southwest Indian ridge at 31S, Earth Planet. Sci, Lett., 73, 129-139, 1985

[67] Watts, A.B., D.P. McKenzie, B. Parsons, M. Roufosse, The relationship between gravity and bathymetry in the Pacific Ocean, Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 83, 1, 263-298, 1985

[68] Watts, A.B., U. ten Brink, P. Buhl, T. Brocher, A multi-channel seismic study of lithospheric flexure across the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain, Nature, 315, 6015, 105-111, 1985

[69] ten Brink, U.S., and A.B. Watts, Seismic stratigraphy of the flexural moat flanking the Hawaiian Islands, Nature, 317, No. 6036, 421-424, 1985

[70] Watts, A.B., G.D. Karner, P. Wessel and J. Hastings, Global Gravity Data Bank System, L-DGO Technical Report No. 4 CU-1-85, 108 pp., 1985


[71] Bally, A.W., I-Ming Chou, R. Clayton, H.P. Eugster, S. Kidwell, L.D. Meckel, R.T. Ryder, A.B. Watts, and A.A. Wilson, Notes on Sedimentary Basins in China, U.S.G.S. Open File Report 86-327, 108 pp., 1986

[72] Bell, R. and A.B. Watts, Evaluation of the BGM-3 sea gravity meter system on board R.V. CONRAD, Geophysics, 51, 1480-1493, 1986


[73] Poag, C.W. and A.B. Watts. 2. Background and objectives of the New Jersey transect: Continental slope and upper rise, in Poag, C.W., Watts, A.B. et al., 1987, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. XCV, Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office), 1987


[74] Steckler, M.S., A.B. Watts and J.A. Thorne, Subsidence and basin modeling at the U.S. Atlantic passive margin, in: Grow, J.A. and Sheridan, R.E. (eds.), The Atlantic Continental Margin, U.S. Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. I-2, 399-416, 1988

[75] Wessel P. and A.B. Watts, On the accuracy of marine gravity measurements, Jour. Geophys. Res., 93, 393-413, 1988

[76] Watts, A.B., R.A. Duncan and R.L. Larson, The origin of the Louisville Ridge and its relationship to the Eltanin Fracture Zone system, Jour. Geophys. Res., 93, 3051-3077, 1988

[77] Watts, A.B., Gravity anomalies, crustal structure and flexure of the lithosphere at the Baltimore Canyon Trough, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lettrs., 89, 221-238, 1988


[78] Thorne, J.A. and A.B. Watts, A quantitative analysis of North Sea subsidence, Am. Ass. Pet. Geol., 73, 88-116, 1989

[79] Watts, A.B. and U. S. ten Brink, Crustal structure, flexure and subsidence history of the Hawaiian Islands,Jour. Geophys. Res., 94, 10,473-10,500, 1989

[80] Watts, A.B. and K.G. Cox, The Deccan Traps: An interpretation in terms of progressive lithospheric flexure in response to a migrating load, Earth and Planet Sci. Lettrs., 93, 85-97, 1989

[81] Smith, W.H.F., H. Staudigel, A.B. Watts, and M.S. Pringle, The Magellan Seamounts: Early Cretaceous record of the South Pacific isotopic and thermal anomaly, Jour. Geophys. Res., 94, 10,501- 10,523, 1989

[82] Watts, A.B., Lithospheric Flexure due to Prograding Sediment Loads: Implications for the origin of Offlap/Onlap patterns in Sedimentary Basins, Basin Res., 2, 133-144, 1989


[83] Watts, A.B., Torné, M., Buhl, P., Mauffret, A., Pascal, G. and Pinet,B., Evidence for reflectors in the lower continental crust before rifting in the Valencia Trough, Nature, 348,631-635, 1990


[84] Coakley, B.J. and A.B.Watts, Tectonic controls on the development of Unconformities: The North Slope, Alaska, Tectonics, 10,101-130, 1991

[85] Sahagian, D. and A.B. Watts, Introduction to Special Section on Measurement, Causes and Consequences of Long-Term Sea-level changes, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 6585-6589, 1991

[86] Sinclair, H., Coakley, B., Allen, P.A. and A.B. Watts, Simulation of Foreland Basin Stratigraphy using a diffusion model of mountain belt uplift and erosion: An example from the Central Alps, Switzerland.Tectonics., 10, 101-130, 1991


[87] Torné, M., Pascal, G., Buhl, P., Watts, A.B. and Mauffret, A., Crustal and velocity structure of the Valencia trough (Western Mediterranean). Part I: A combined refraction/wide-angle reflection and near-vertical reflection study. In: E. Banda and P.Santanach (eds.)Tectonophysics. 203, 1-20, 1992 

[88] Pascal, G., Torné, M., Buhl, P., Watts, A.B. and Mauffret, A., Crustal and velocity structure of the Valencia trough (Western Mediterranean). Part II: Detailed interpretation of five Expanded Spread Profiles. In: E. Banda and P. Santanach (eds.) Tectonophysics. 203, 1-20, 1992 

[89] Maillard, A., Mauffret, A., Watts, A.B., Torné, M., Pascal, G., Buhl, P. and Pinet, B. Tertiary sedimentary history and structure of the Valencia Trough (Western Mediterranean). In: E. Banda and P.Santanach (eds.) Tectonophysics. 203, 57-75, 1992 

[90] Watts, A.B., The Formation of Sedimentary Basins. In "Understanding the Earth", Chapter 15, Cambridge University Press., 1992

[91] Watts, A. B. and M.Torné, Crustal structure and the mechanical properties of extended continental lithosphere in the Valencia trough (western Mediterranean). Geol. Soc. Lond., 149, 813-827, 1992

[92] Watts, A.B. and M.Torné, "Crustal structure, Subsidence History and Thermal Evolution of the Valencia Trough : A young extensional basin in the Western Mediterranean", J. Geophys.Res.,97, 20,021 - 20,041, 1992

[93] Watts, A.B., "The elastic thickness of the lithosphere and the evolution of sedimentary basins", Basin Research , 4, 169-178., 1992


[94] Goodwillie, A.M. and A. B. Watts. "An altimetric and bathymetric study of elastic thickness in the Central Pacific Ocean". Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 118, 311-326, 1993

[95] Watts, A. B., J. Platt and P. Buhl. "Tectonic evolution of the Alboran Sea basin". Basin Research., 5, 153-177, 1993


[96] Watts, A.B. "Crustal Structure, Gravity anomalies and flexure of the Lithosphere in the vicinity of the Canary Islands". Geophys. J. Intern., 119, 648-666, 1994

[97] Collier, J. P. Buhl, M. Torné, A. B. Watts. Crustal structure of the Valencia Trough (Western Mediteranean) from two-ship Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data. Geophys. J. Intern. 118, 159-180, 1994



[98] Banda, E. Torné, Watts, A. B. and the IAM group, Iberian Atlantic margins group investigates deep structure of ocean margins, EOS, 76, 25-26, 1995

[99] Watts, A. B. and C. Marr, Gravity anomalies and the thermal and mechanical structure of rifted continental margins. In "Rifted Ocean-Continent Boundaries". Banda. E., Talwani, M. and Torné, M. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers. 65-94, 1995

[100] Watts, A.B., S. Lamb, J. D. Fairhead and J. F. Dewey, "Lithospheric flexure and bending of the Central Andes". Earth Planet. Sci. Letts., 134, 9-21, 1995

[101] Watts, A. B. and D. G. Masson, "A giant landslide on the north flank of Tenerife, Canary Islands". J. Geophys. Res., 100, 24,487-24,498,1995

[102] Masson, D. G. and A. B. Watts, "Slope failures and debris avalanches on the flanks of volcanic oceanic islands", Landslide News, 9, 21-24,1995


[103] Hartley, R., Watts, A. B. and J. D. Fairhead. "Isostasy of Africa", Earth Planet. Sci. Letts., 137, 1-18,1996 Figures


[104] Watts, A. B., Peirce, C., Collier, J., Dalwood, R., Canales, J-P. and T.J. Henstock, "A seismic study of lithospheric flexure at Tenerife, Canary Islands". Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 146, 431-448,1997.

[105] Stewart, J. and A. B. Watts, "Gravity anomalies and spatial variations of flexural rigidity at mountain ranges". J. Geophys. Res. 102, 5327-5352,1997.

[106] Watts, A. B. and J. D. Fairhead, "Gravity anomalies and magmatism at the western margin of the British Isles". Geol. Soc. London. 154, 523-529,1997

[107] Collier, J. and A. B. Watts, "Seismic reflection profile constraints on lithospheric extension : Pure and Simple". Geophys. J. Int. 129, 737-748,1997

[108]Collier, J. S., J. J. Dannobeitia, A. B. Watts and the CD82 Scientific Party, "Evidence for low-angle, planar faults in slow-spreading oceanic crust", Geology, 25, 1075-1078, 1997


[109] Watts, A. B. and J. Stewart "Gravity anomalies and segmentation of the continental margin offshore Gabon, West Africa", Earth Planet Sci. Letts. 156, 239-252, 1998.

[110] Madon, M. B. and A. B. Watts "Gravity anomalies, subsidence history and the tectonic evolution of the Malay and Penyu basins (offshore Peninsular Malaysia)". Basin Res., 10, 375-392, 1998.

[111] Watts, A. B. and D. G. Masson "Reply to J. Marti - A giant landslide on the north flank of Tenerife, Canary Islands". J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9949-9952, 1998.

[112] Collier, J. S., T.J. Henstock, C. Peirce and A. B. Watts "A detailed geophysical study in the Canary Basin (eastern Atlantic) : Implications for the internal structure of 130 Ma oceanic crust". Geophys. J. Int. 135, 943-963, 1998.


[113] Urgeles, R., D. G. Masson, M. Canals, A. B. Watts, T. LeBas, "Recurrent large-scale landsliding on the west flank of La Palma, Canary Islands", J. Geophys. Res. 104, 25,331-25,348,1999.

[114] Watts, A. B. and J. D. Fairhead, "A process-oriented approach to modelling the gravity signature of continental margins". Leading Edge. February, 258-263, 1999.

[115] Gee, M., D. G. Masson, A. B. Watts and P. A. Allen, "The Saharan debris flow: an insight into the mechanics of long runout submarine debris flows", Sedimentology, 46, 317-335, 1999

[116] Haddad, D. and A. B. Watts, "Subsidence history, gravity anomalies and flexure of the northeast Australian margin in Papua New Guinea". Tectonics 18, 827-842, 1999.

[117] Higgs, R., Madon, M. and A. B. Watts, Discussion on "Gravity anomalies, subsidence history and the tectonic evolution of the Malay and Penyu Basins (offshore Peninsula Malaysia)". Basin Research 11, 285-290, 1999.

[118] Hayward, N., A. B. Watts, G. K. Westbrook, J. Collier, "A Seismic Reflection and GLORIA study of Compressional Deformation in the Gorringe Bank region, eastern North Atlantic". Geophys. J. Int. 138, 831-850, 1999.

[119] Comas, M. C., J. P. Platt, J. I. Soto and A. B. Watts, "The origin and tectonic history of the Alboran basin: insights from Leg 161 results", In Zahn, R., Comas, M. C. and Klaus, A. (eds), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Vol 161, 555-580, 1999.

[120] Watts, A. B., "The growth and decay of oceanic islands", In Geomorphology and Global Tectonics, M. A. Summerfield (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 339-360, 1999.

Publications (2000-)

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